Sunday, October 31, 2010

Testing the waters....

Have been thinking about blogging for a few months...However, I'm not really a writer, not sure anyone would bother reading this, etc, etc... But, what the hell? Maybe this will give me the jumpstart I need to start finding my creative voice, the one that's been lost in this once way too busy cpa. For the first time in my career, I now have a job that doesn't require a ton of overtime. So, I would like to use this available time to create - to take up sewing again, learn to knit better, do some home improvement projects. Please comment so I don't feel like I'm alone here in blogger world.....


Susan said...

I jumped over from Carolyn's to see your blog. Go for it!

[patty the snug bug] said...

Go for it! It helps me keep going on projects!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Happy to be among your first followers! Now get postin'!